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Our Core Values

We are clear about our identity. We are the Church of the Everlasting Kingdom. We know our vision. Our
vision is the INCREASE of the 5, 50, 500, 5000 and the miracle buildings. We have our mission is found in the acronym, I.N.C.R.E.A.S.E. We will fulfill the vision through this mission of Individuals Networking through Covenant Relationships Embracing Accountability, Spirituality and Excellence. We understand our history (how COTEK started and arrived at the point where we are today), colors (what they are and what they mean) and our seal (all of the symbols and what their significance).

Now, it is important that we understand the governing principles of COTEK. The principles of God let us know what is important to God and what pleases Him. As we read the scriptures, we can pull out the principles of God because they are consistent from Genesis to Revelation. Nevertheless, the practices of God (how God gets what He wants) changes based on the people and the times.

The Governing Principles of COTEK direct our leadership structure, policies and procedures. They also aid us in making decisions on various matters, especially financial decisions and the utilization of our resources. They determine how we relate to those within our covering and those outside of our body. Everything that we do as a covering should point back to one or more of our governing principles. People do things differently. The principles determine how we do what we do. The principles let us know when we are out of alignment and are the basis for correction, reproof and rebuke.

The Seven Governing Principles are:

1. Love, Acceptance and Respect for all people as God’s children – We don’t discriminate based on
age, gender, race, culture, orientation, educational level, socio-economic status, etc.

2. Unity and Equality – We are all one and everyone in the ministry is to be treated equally regardless of title or position.

3. Balance, Holistic Growth and Development – God calls us to live holistically, healthy, balanced and well-rounded lives.

4. Evangelism and Community Outreach – We must share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel of the Kingdom with everyone. We must have a positive impact on the community in which we live, work, learn and worship.

5. Order and Organization – Things must be done decently and in order and follow a set of guidelines.

6. Leadership and Servitude – Everyone is willing to lead. Everyone is willing to serve.

7. Tithes and Offerings – Tithes and offerings are received on a local and international/national level. All leaders on every level are required to tithe and offer offerings.

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